Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ETT Hate Campaign Backfires

There was always an initial suspicion that the incredibly puerile ETT blog had been set up by the FLWG as some incredible marketing ploy to increase the membership of FLWG since no reasonably intelligent person could ever really believe in a fraction of the drivel trawled out by ETT and would therefore go to the FLWG to read real facts.

Of course when you read ETT and the obsessive personal hate crusades it indulges in then its true nature is highlighted, a hate site!

Now in one of the FLWG closed forums a person from the AGs department (no less) actually makes a reference to the blog and states “It actually illustrates the recent Family Courts statistics that 31% of Mothers that receive less than 30% time do so because of MENTAL HEALTH issues”.

So ETT. all your emails to the Government are having the reverse effect, they are perceiving your blog as a MENTAL HEALTH issue.

Shall we repeat that a member of the AGs department is actually posting in the closed areas of FLWG – so much for your SPCA/FLWG hate campaign – it has backfired big time.

Another email from a disillusioned ETTer

We received another email from one of our ETT moles:

“At first I thought the blog was going to add a balance to the discussion of parent’s rights. Instead, it has developed into a personal hate crusade against a few individuals. There was always a suspicion of other motives. Now we can clearly see there are also financial motives behind the attacks. The blog has become nothing more than a hate campaign with the secondary purpose of obtaining money with menaces.”

“The blog has become nothing more than a hate campaign with the secondary purpose of obtaining money with menaces.” really sums it up correctly.

The truth will out.

On a personal note to ETT, have you settled in properly after your large move and how are the work budgets progressing?

More misleading headlines from ETT

Another misleading headline from ETT

Liam Magill -Just another deadbeat Dad!
Liam Magill is often quoted and cited by SPCA and familylawwebguide. Here the story is set straight. As per most of the members he's just another deadbeat dad.

‘OFTEN’ quoted?

Let us see, there are more than 45,000 posts and documents on the FLWG site and Liam Magill is quoted (or referenced ) in 6 of them. So readers 6 out of 45,000 is OFTEN? Isn’t that stretching the imagination just a little?

Perhaps just a repeat for ETT’s benefit. In life and the sciences and social commentary the accepted method of framing a theory or conclusion is to take a series of facts, then use those facts to develop a theory or conclusion. Seriously delusional reporting is where one has already has a theory or conclusion and then selectively seeks random facts, distorts and misrepresent other facts to support a flawed conclusion– whilst at the same time deliberately overlooking facts that contradict the theory/conclusion.

In Science, this is referred to as the ‘cognitive science framing theory’ where you do not rely on evidence (facts) but rather you ‘frame things the way you want the reader to understand them to be true’ (In layman’s terms – you lie). When making social commentary this blatant bias amounts to some serious personal deception on the part of the writer. The last has some serious medical diagnoses’ – the ‘perpetrator’ is very often unable to distinguish fact from fiction or will often creation fiction, which they then believe to be fact. Some of these people are often schizophrenic, have other mental problems and often display serious anti social behaviour.

There is probably also a cash ‘shakedown’ angle for ETT reviving this old story, which we have yet to figure out.

Some more unpleasant facts

  1. The ETT blog openly admits using tracking software.
  2. ETT tracking software also monitors ‘cookies’ so they can see where you have been before you visit their blog.
  3. The ETT blog tracks IP addresses and their owners.
  4. ETT tries to identify ‘who’ is viewing their blog.
  5. ETT sends greenmail (blackmail) emails trying to extort cash from people that have used work computers .
  6. ETT sends greenmail (blackmail) emails trying to extort cash from people that ETT is going to attack.
  7. ETT sends greenmail (blackmail) emails asking for hush money (trying to extort cash) from people that ETT has already attacked.

Monday, March 23, 2009

ETT is a Shakedown Site?

Straight after our previous report we received some more information from another source that shows the ETT blog is also a SHAKEDOWN set up to extort cash from unwary readers.

This email says it all:

"I received an email from ETT. I contacted the sys admin and he examined some of the code in the ETT blog and was rather surprised at the lengths they were going to track readers. Since the ETT blog also mentions this and several employers by name, he decided to block the site".

The ETT email:
We notice that you are a regular reader of our blog and we suspect you are a member of the following sites and visit them from your workplace [details were in here].We understand you are probably breaking an employee regulation or misusing your employers assets. You understand this could have serious consequences for your continued employment. We are in a position to supply you with various code and others methods of keeping this private and away from the notice of your employer. This would prevent any sanctions your employer might invoke if they were made aware of your unauthorised activities.

ETT then goes on to explain the usual date and text inserts to prove that it is ETT and then some payment methods and a donation amount for the ‘code and others methods’

Now since ETT has previously mentioned several employers (trying to put the ‘scares’ on people?) and since ETT admits tracking operations this really puts a BIG QUESTION MARK AGAINST THE REAL MOTIVES OF THE ETT BLOG.



Well it seems that since some of the people involved with the FLWG refuse to respond to BLACKMAIL ETT is now on a ‘get you’ crusade and making all sorts of wild allegations.

We have previously commented on ETT’s total disregard for the Law but from the ETT intermittent fiction sheet it is sometimes difficult to decide whether they have single or multiple motives (we are not talking about multiple personalities)

We have now unofficially obtained copies of some ETT emails.

These were sent to the SPCA and the FLWG.

This is Expose the Truth (ETT) and I will prove this by inserting the following text into my blog on ……. [date and text were in here]
It may well be that I am misrepresenting you in my blog and need some time for more research to present a different picture or more accurate picture. To do this I need some research funding which you should contribute to…..

What the? Research “to present a different picture”? “research funding which you should contribute to” IS THIS BLACKMAIL OR GREENMAIL?

Even worse ETT has a very nasty of publishing private email addresses and this went to an individual who ETT frequently attacks.

This is Expose the Truth (ETT) and I will prove this by inserting the following text into my blog on ……. [date and text were in here]
It may well be that I am misrepresenting you in my blog and need some time for more research to present a different picture. To do this I need will need some research funding which you should contribute to…..I realise that as a private individual this will come from your own pocket but a donation of…………should not be beyond your means....

These emails then go on to give details of how these ‘research donations’ will be payed. Of course ETT is again using Yahoo addresses but is now prepared to authenticate the demand by actually publishing particular text on a certain date to prove the emails are from ETT.

‘Honesty’ WE DON’T THINK SO when reporting on the activities of the SPCA and FLWG while asking for money?

Either ETT is prepared to modify their reporting on ‘Cash for Comment’ sort of basis or is the ETT blog nothing more than a shakedown to extort money and is hiding under the guise of reporting.

Friday, March 20, 2009

When reason and objectivity disappear, blogs like ETT appear.

In life and the sciences and social commentary the accepted method of framing a theory or conclusion is to take a series of facts, then use those facts to develop a theory or conclusion. Seriously delusional reporting is where one has already has a theory or conclusion and then selectively seeks random facts, distorts and misrepresent other facts to support a flawed conclusion– whilst at the same time deliberately overlooking facts that contradict the theory/conclusion.

In Science, this is sometimes referred to as the ‘cognitive science framing theory’ where you do not rely on evidence (facts) but rather you ‘frame things the way you want the reader to understand them to be true’ (In layman’s terms – you lie). When making social commentary this blatant bias amounts to some serious personal deception on the part of the writer. The last has some serious medical diagnoses’ – the ‘perpetrator’ is very often unable to distinguish fact from fiction or will often creation fiction, which they then believe to be fact. Some of these people are often schizophrenic, have other mental problems and often display serious anti social behaviour.

Does this sound like ETT” - down to a ‘T’ it does. Has a theory/conclusion and then seeks partial facts, distorts fact, invents facts to support a delusional argument while deliberately overlooking facts that make their theories/conclusions appear non-sensical.

Over the next few weeks, we are going to Expose the Real Truth about these INVENTIONS and just how the real facts contradict these delusional ravings.


The SPCA and FLWG policy is to ensure payers pay as little child support as possible.

ETT supports this with various out of context and invented quotes that are purported to be facts.

FACT –and a very big one indeed –the SPCA is involved with the CSA in a research project to expose the ‘rorts’ payers use to avoid or minimise their child support payments.

Of course, ETT overlooks this very large fact because it totally contradicts their biased/invented SPCA reporting.


ETT makes a very big issue out of the SPCA and FLWG ONLY supporting second wives in CSA and child contact matters. Again - extremely selective reporting.

What ETT does not report because it makes their argument look very silly – is the very a large number of first wives and Mothers that thank the FLWG and SPCA for the help they have received. SUCH AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH can never be reported by ETT because it undermines a blatant lie.

There will be more to follow.

Newer readers should understand that the ETT attacks are based on being left by her husband and the second wife scenario and her ex husband being given frequent child contact by the Court.
According to our ETT mole “Her husband escaped from a control freak who decided the Father should not see his children. He now has a very successful second marriage and the Courts overrode her and decided what was in the best interests of her children rather than her devious attempts to keep a devoted Father from his children for no other reason than to use the children as weapons to punish him”.

Readers, this may give an indication of just where ETT is coming from, Control freak, using the children as weapons –so that anyone that even remotely appears to have helped thwart her sick agenda and scheming is the ‘enemy’ – we see where the attacks on the SPCA come from. This is why ETT is obsessed with researching old material, misreporting or just inventing material to justify themselves. This is why ETT is receiving help from mental health professionals. Divorced from her first husband and TOTALLY DIVORCED FROM REALITY!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Current rantings from ETT include such extraordinary statements such as

"proof Limel Ricahrds and Micahel Green set up SRL Group" – (spelling errors are ETTs)

This so called proof is old logs on Yahoo group postings from 2002-2005. We can only presume that ETT is trying to cast a very long line that this is the same group ETT has a go at (for supporting both men and women) that abbreviates its name to SRL-R. Hold it ETT - do you mean the SRL-Resources which traces back to 1996 in Sydney founded Lionel Richards Western Australian group in 2002?

We then get this drivel

ett SAID

"Lionel Richards/CRC/SPCA
Lionel Richards set up Ozydads and was one of the founding members of Shared Parenting Council, SLR Group, FLWG and CRC Kids set up this group. It is a clear illustration of how much they hate women."

Who said these groups hate women? ETT did –so it must be true? Sorry ETT your psychotic outbursts do not represent facts. Actually what ETT writes makes absolutely no sense. FLWG came into existence some time after Lionel Richards was dead –so how it managed to found Lionel’s Ozydads group must remain a great mystery. Or does ETT maintain that Lionel helped set up the FLWG over a year after his death? Another great mystery. Although we say mystery, we mean this applies to normal readers, to ETTs delusional wanderings it probably all makes sense.

ETT are you taking haloperidol or LSD?

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Anyone that goes to the ETT hate blog soon begins to realise that its writers are very sick people, enjoy distorting the truth and when they do not know they invent information. (We understand the reason the ETT has recently been silent is because of institutionalised treatment of one of its writers)

The latest personal attack is on Lionel Richards – does ETT know he has been dead for a few years? Then by perverse logic they seem to tie in Lionel and Michael Green and the FLRA as some sort of national conspiracy. ETT has some sick logic, originally Michael Green was able to travel back in time to found various groups –AND NOW by some other perverse logic Lionel Richards can do it from beyond the grave.

Normal people (you don’t need any medical training) know that when someone exhibits extreme delusions and gross paranoia they really do need professional help. Some of the ETT cohort receive it already in the form of haloperidol. Any readers who might take ETT even slightly seriously should consider the blog is being written by persons on some serious anti psychotic medication.

ETT has stated they do not read this site and then rather stupidly puts in a link to prove they do, so ETT, changing your emails and IP features has done you no good whatsoever. PS you forgot to change your Gmail account! Perhaps you should not use GMail to POP your messages through?

Monday, March 2, 2009


Well ETT has had a closed blog for the last week or so.

After reading this blog and learning of their identification PERHAPS? common sense might have prevailed? (we doubt it)
Perhaps ‘they’ now realise (to use a US expression) where it’s AT?

Perhaps the fact they have been traced and are now waiting for a knock on the door with the ubiquitous service documents [Restraining orders, libel suits] has stopped them writing drivel, one sided fiction, outright lies and blatant stupidity?

Leave a comment if you want us to publish some photos of ETT and friends

Or should we all wait for the FLWG headlines?