Friday, March 13, 2009


Current rantings from ETT include such extraordinary statements such as

"proof Limel Ricahrds and Micahel Green set up SRL Group" – (spelling errors are ETTs)

This so called proof is old logs on Yahoo group postings from 2002-2005. We can only presume that ETT is trying to cast a very long line that this is the same group ETT has a go at (for supporting both men and women) that abbreviates its name to SRL-R. Hold it ETT - do you mean the SRL-Resources which traces back to 1996 in Sydney founded Lionel Richards Western Australian group in 2002?

We then get this drivel

ett SAID

"Lionel Richards/CRC/SPCA
Lionel Richards set up Ozydads and was one of the founding members of Shared Parenting Council, SLR Group, FLWG and CRC Kids set up this group. It is a clear illustration of how much they hate women."

Who said these groups hate women? ETT did –so it must be true? Sorry ETT your psychotic outbursts do not represent facts. Actually what ETT writes makes absolutely no sense. FLWG came into existence some time after Lionel Richards was dead –so how it managed to found Lionel’s Ozydads group must remain a great mystery. Or does ETT maintain that Lionel helped set up the FLWG over a year after his death? Another great mystery. Although we say mystery, we mean this applies to normal readers, to ETTs delusional wanderings it probably all makes sense.

ETT are you taking haloperidol or LSD?

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