Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Strange that groups that attack shared parenting think that coincidences are not noticed.
Here’s one of the “anti FLWG, SPCA, FLRA, Reasonable Parents” hate site usual attacks on Lindsay -
They always start with -
“This was posted by MR Cut and Paste, Lindsay.
Some questions we have Lindsay from a different perspective that what you are considering:
We will not even bother to repeat the questions they were asking – to state they were biased and not relevant is the most accurate summation.

Heres some news - Lindsay does not hide behind the women’s skirts.

Fancy calling him “Mr Cut and Paste” – what a strange name –although Gerry O used to call him that -
The blog keeps posting about how computer knowledgeable they are – and how untraceable - Gerry O used to boast about that -
Ah a link to XY on the blog site [even Goebbels would have been proud of that sites gross distortion of the facts] is a site run by Gerry O -
Wasn’t [and still is] Gerry O associated with Michael Flood [the all men are wife beating bastards advocate] and aren’t they all part of the McInnes, Swinebourne tag team that opposed Shared Parenting and think that the SPCA are the personification of evil and should be destroyed? -

The real trouble with people that think they are clever is that they are not clever enough to understand there may be other people that know as much or more than they do.


Unknown said...

My contacts in Canberra tell me that Gerry o is behind the web site. I can only suspect that he has the 'unwritten' authority to do this by the 'Flood Politburo'.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gettherealfacts said...

This comment shows just how desperate you people really are. If you really knew so much about the FLWG why is your reporting so inaccurate? or are you just trying to convince yourselves?

? said...

anonymums said Note "coincidences" and then the next post contains "paranoia".......

I assume this is yet another example of your phobic has the phobia theory.

anonymums then, after yet another rant, says "The government is sick to death of your lies and abuse."

Which government is that? Can you post the publications in which the Government makes this statement, or is it, as many would suspect, just another of your psychotic delusions?