Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Well we would think [like any normal person] that ETT would have learnt that allegations are meaningless when they cannot be backed up and WE are here

This is just part of today’s ETT missive [and highly incorrect blog]
ETT fiction is in blue

Some truths that need repeating.
S.P.C.A. (Shared Parenting Council of Australia) set up the website with government funding and without seeing the application for the grant (although this has been requested under the FOI Act) believe it was a fraudulent application because they did not state that they are a Mens Rights group. They attempt to portray themselves as a family based help site but anyone that has joined or participated or even read the site would know that it is very anti mother and if you dare to express any view contrary to the S.P.C.A. one then you will be ostracised. They like to crow about how they have women members and this is true, but the women they allow to participate are second wives and partners and have their own agenda in wanting to take over their partners battle against the ex wife and children. And battle they do although the common problem appears to be the payment of money to the first wife in the form of Child Support.

Any one that has spent any time on the site would patently realise that it caters for both sexes.

The SPCA did not set up the FLWG.

The SPCA along with several other groups was asked to be a part of the site.

Subsequent funding allowed the SPCA to set up a range of initiatives for [and from] the Federal Government that are based from the site.

The Shared Parenting Council do not want anyone to know that it is them that operate the website

Rubbish, the SPCA do not operate the site – they pay a range of fees the same as everyone else does. This will frighten ETT [the truth hurts them] - the frequently attacked Wayne Butler and Michael Green DO NOT moderate any forums –which means they have NO control over the content of forums [except of course the private SPCA forums which ETT does not have access to]

A majority of what is posted on, and in the process endorsed by The Shared Parenting Council is how to avoid paying Child Support and how to minimise financial support for first family children.

Absolute rubbish – the normal definition of majority is more than 51%. Child support issues account for less than 5% of the site and what percentage of these would be related to NOT paying support? It would be more accurate to say that >60% [that’s a majority!] is related to Family Law –but then again that is the name of the site!

The Shared Parenting Council under the guise of wanting to appear to be non gender specific ..........The most blatant one was the Mothers4Equality set up by Michael Green and Debra Esquilant who is a major contributor at Fathers4Justice, a very extremist anti mother group that was also set up by The Shared Parenting Council of Australia as a lobby group for them.

ETT caught themselves out very badly [and made themselves look rather stupid] when they alleged that the SPCA set up SRLR and for some strange reason they still keep alleging that Michael Green was involved in setting up the Mothers4Equality group..

Since we started this blog, we have been under constant attack by the Shared Parenting Council of Australia. They have sent in various flunkies to try to beat us down. They have made threats of violence, posted a series of 27 offensive comments mostly dealing with lesbianism and alternative names for female genitalia and now have set up a blog attempting to discredit us.

An absolute lie, the SPCA do not even acknowledge the existence of your hate site-so how can you be under attack from them. My goodness next you will be alleging they are sending Flying Saucers to your homes. Perhaps Michael Green will get in the time machine [see previous posts] financed by the SPCA and travel back and stop you parents from meeting each other? See we can be as silly as you are!

By resorting to threats of violence and using abuse is a typical behaviour of an abuser. They've said that everything we have posted is a lie and even gone so far as to suggest that we tried to extort money from them.

Strange were you not threatening us when you said……Remember that we know who you are and where you are so you cannot rely upon the anonymity of the internet to protect you.
Of course you tried to extort money that includes the email that said:
“I can identify the FLWG user name of the blogger attacking the SPCA……….you can then identify them……….all of this for a small donation”

That's a crime and our only aim is to expose them. Would we have posted this first and then asked for money?

Of course – it is a normal ploy, you attempt to create a threat or risk and ask for money. No one would give you a cent if there was no threat or risk.

Why would they feel the need to do this if they were as transparent as they say they are. If it is all lies, why don't they ask us to talk to them to "set us straight" if they think we are under any misconception?

Why would the SPCA or FLWG want to acknowledge or engage with verbal terrorists? Surely you should approach them because its not as if you have any political weight –you go to the Mountain. The only weight you can throw around is abuse, lies, mistruths and unproven allegations which is not a exactly a prerequisite for anyone engaging with you. Just look at your visitor count and weep, the FLWG gets over one and half million a month!

Just think how easily they could squash your silly blog by a series if articles and posts if you represented any real threat to them! They treat you like sewer odours – something to be ignored!

Time for you to take stock of yourselves and if you were in any way serious approach the SPCA or FLWG.

Why, because it is all true and now the Shared Parenting Council of Australia have been caught out and they're very upset and embarrased. That is what happens when you don't tell the truth. Let them try to stop us with their threats of violence and insults, it's not going to work.

Why would they be embarrassed if they have done nothing – it is in your imagination! If anything they would be embarrassed for you publicly embarrassing yourself with glaring errors and not seeking professional help.

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