Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Would you take advice from the ETT fools?

Heres another attack on the FLWG from ETT -

"Advice for the Owners of Familylawwebguide.com.au

You need to be very careful about the advice that is being handed out on that website.

MikeT, Artemis and D4E seem to be the most prolific providers of advice and from our experience, most of what they write is incorrect and poorly researched".

Perhaps the ETTers [perhaps ETAs would be more accurate – the original Japanese description of the peasants that handled dung would be more accurate] should read the FLWG site more carefully because it does contain disclaimers, but then again reading and being able to comprehend are different abilities and the ETAs have demonstrated their unique ability to comprehend very little. In fact the ETAs abilities would see them underqualified to even clean public toilets.

Don’t you love the line “from our experience, most of what they write is incorrect”. Experience of what? Are these ETT people legal practitioners? Are they Accountants? Are they experts on CSA legislation? Do they have degrees in psychology?
Yes they are experienced – but in the disreputable arts of lying and distorting the truth. Surely these are not degree subjects or anything any reasonable person would care to admit to? [Apologies for the assumption that the word ‘reasonable’ might apply to the ETAs]

PS To Number 2 – do not forget your medical appointment this month.

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